报告人:Liu Ruochuan
Title: locally analytic vectors of some crystabelian representations of $\GL_2(Q_p)$.
Abstract: Building on the works of Colmez and Berger-Breuil, we determine the
locally analytic vectors of those unitary representations of GL_2(Qp)
which, under the p-adic local Langlands correspondence of GL_2(Qp),
correspond to 2-dimensional Frobenius semisimple irreducible
crystabelian representations of the absolute Galois group of Qp wiht
distincet Hodge-Tate weights. This proves a conjecture of Breuil.
July 20, 9:30-11:30, Ben Howard
3-5pm Jan Bruinier
July 21-22 (Tues-Wed.) 3-5pm, Jan Bruinier
July 23 (Thursday) 9:30-11:30, Eva Viehman
3-5pm, Jan Bruinier
July 24, 1-3pm Jan Bruinier
4-5pm colloquium Tonghai Yang