Joint Number Theory Seminars at Beijing

Friday, October 10, 2008

2008-10-14,21,28 and 11-4 Arithemetic D-modules

Arithemetic D-modules

Lecturer: Prof. Pierre Berthelot (Université de Rennes 1, France)

Time: 9:30--11:30am,Tuesday & Thursday from 10.14 to 11.7

Place: Room 1218 in Ziyuan Building in Peking University.

( 北京大学资源大厦1218室。It is the building near the university's southeast gate, between the Table Tennis Hall and the Pacific Computer Center.)

20081013-20081107 Colmez: the p-adic local Langlands correspondance for GL2(Qp)

Colmez教授10月13日-11月7日在晨兴开设“the p-adic local Langlands correspondance for GL2(Qp)”系列讲座.

