Joint Number Theory Seminars at Beijing

Saturday, September 6, 2008

9月8日,10日,12日 姚家燕 徐飞 魏达盛

下周一,三,五(9月8日,10日,12日)讨论班, 下午 1:30-4:00:

姚家燕(周一):phi-gamma modules and representations of mirabolic of GL(2), III

徐飞(周三):Trees of PGL(2) with applications to the representations of GL(2)

魏达盛(周五):Local-global principle for 1-motives


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

2008-09-01姚家燕:(phi,gamma) module and representations of mirabolic groups of GL(2),I,II

下周一,三(9月1日,3日)讨论班, 下午:1:30-4:00

姚家燕:(phi,gamma) module and representations of mirabolic groups of GL(2),I,II
