Survey on essential dimension
各位老师和同学, 您们好!
本周星期五(3月30日)下午, 法国国家自然科学
研究中心的Philippe Gille主任研究员将来我系
报告题目: Survey on essential dimension
报告人: Philippe Gille主任研究员(法国国家自然科学研究中心-高等师范学校)
时间: 2007年3月30日星期五下午16:00-17:00
地点: 清华大学理科楼1112
报告摘要: The starting point is the following question: how many variables
do we need for writing down a "generic" polynomial equation of degree n?
For n=2 and 3, two parameters are enough. That leads to the notion of
essential dimension of Buhler-Reichstein for G-Galois extensions (G finite
group). It turns out that one can extend this definition to an arbitrary
connected group. The purpose of the talk is to review the recent results
on this topic.